Dermalux LED Phototherapy

Dermalux LED phototherapy is a non-invasive, pain-free skin treatment that uses light energy to boost complexion and restore vitality and glow. It offers cumulative benefits that we can target to specific concerns on the face and body with long-lasting results.

Choose LED phototherapy for radiant, rejuvenated and glowy skin.

How It Works

Dermalux uses clinically proven blue, red and near infrared wavelengths that will boost collagen production, reduce redness and irritation, and remove bacteria that causes blemishes. It can help with a number of conditions including acne, psoriasis and skin wounds.

This is a relaxing, pain-free experience that has been proven to have mood enhancing effects. You can enjoy some personal time while your skin absorbs the energising light. Each session lasts up to 30 minutes, and when finished, you can simply get up and get on with your day!

Key Benefits of LED Phototherapy

This treatment can be an essential part of any skin care routine. It provides the foundation to beautiful skin, and the benefits will continue long after the treatment has finished:

Our Sessions


This is an intense course of 12 treatments (30 minutes each) which is recommended for optimum cell activation. Once this is completed it will be followed by maintenance treatments.


Boost will energise the skin to instantly revitalise a dull complexion. It is ideal for calming irritations before a special event or as part of on-going maintenance.

Combine - 20 Minutes

You can upgrade your favourite facial treatment with a Dermalux session. This can calm sensitive skin and we will advise you on the best combination for your skin.

Contact Harddwch Ellen Morgan Beauty Today

To find out more about this treatment or to book an appointment, please get in touch.

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